Monday, April 14, 2008

The Writer's Corner

Welcome to my blog, The Writer's Corner.
I am the author of 21 published novels, a creative writing instructor, web content writer,
ghost writer, creative editor, and closet poet!
Before I became a writer 16 years ago I was a health care professional.
And before that, I was just about everything.
I hope this blog will attract writers and those interested in the written
Word, including closet poets!

This is my first post but please feel free to check out my website:

And now my first web published poem.

All In A Day’s Work

I am always a little surprised these
Days to awaken to morning light,
Surprised I did not die during the night.

At my age it’s all a crap shoot and you
Know the house always wins and what
Little money is in your pocket ain’t the
House’s money but your own. A

Young woman with tired eyes comes by
Wearing a short skirt and asks if you want
Something from the bar – “Gin & 7-Up
You say.” You pull the lever on the

Machine, take your chances like everybody
Else and hope you don’t come up snake
Eyes or 2 Cherries & a plum this time.

And ignore the people who tell you that
You can’t mix your metaphors and
Dangle your participles or write poems.

What the hell do they know anyway since
They never even tried it? And the woman
In the short skirt doesn’t return by the time
You’ve put your last quarter in the slot –
Two cherries and a plum. So long sucker.

Tomorrow’s another day and all that.
There are words still waiting to be
Put down on paper, another character with a
Gun in his hand to come through the door,

Another dame to be fondled in the back
Seat of a DeSoto, 2 more banks to be robbed.

Comments welcome - unless they're really bad!


1 comment:

notime2fish said...

It was on this day in 2008 that Brooks blog came onto my screen
and he shared who was birthed and then who had died and some boat had a perilous lean. And then more died and others then died and some else found how to open a beer. To know Africans had freedoms and Bangladesh is still such makes it all seem so strangely queer. So I called Sisters Garbonzo and asked for fling with a tramp but they told me no tramping and just stay at home see we've reserved all our time for the master of the word who can much better write us a poem.